
Your Body Language Tell a Truth
8:35 PM | Author: Mr.Xu


When we have been as a child, We have heard the story of “Pinocchio”, the wood puppet who his nose can changes longer and longer when he lies with others. Changing the puppet’s  nose is one of many body language examples.

Actually, the nature will go on the steady state. Prevarication or falsehood is tell something that not appropriate with a fact, so nature will give an unbalancing response. If we say something that is not true, there are many conflict in our mind. The true signal will be face with the untruth signal. Signal Confliction in your mind will cause your body display unusual response like rubbing the nose , scratching the cheek, or others.lie2

It’s no natural to tell a lie. Someone who prevaricate or not, can be red from his or her body language, non verbal sign will be  appeared  to the surface.

Number 1 sign : Constant face touching


When telling a lie, a person can't help but touch different parts of their face-whether it's rubbing the nose or scratching the cheek. That person will keep doing this as way of fighting the natural urge to tell the truth.

Number 2 sign : Avoiding Eye contact


People who lie can't look you in the eye. In fact, there are instances when just staring at the person for a full minute can lead to a confession.

It's unnerving to be stared at when you know you're not telling the truth... unless of course, the person is a compulsive liar and has practiced the art of making eye contact despite being deceptive.

Number 3 sign : Constant fidgeting

lie5 This can range from the shifting of weight from one foot to another, to constantly fiddling around with whatever object the person is holding.

We have been disappointed if someone who we believed him or her tell us a lie. So, Learning to detect nonverbal signs of lying is a handy skill to have. It helps you steer clear of bad business deals, one-sided friendships and keeps you off the swindler's list .

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