
The Bones
10:51 PM | Author: Mr.Xu

( series of mechanical body, part 2 )


Without your bones, your body can’t do anything. You can’t stand up on your both legs look like an empty plastic bag , just lie down on  the floor.  Like a building, your body shaped frame on the skeleton or bones. There are more then 206 kinds of bones construct you strongly. This one protect your important instrument like brain, heart, lungs, etc.   



Bones are make from calcium and a few phosphoric mineral. It’s form one surprisingly strong. Like a cement, you may imagine how strong the bones are. Cement contains a lot of calcium too. Inside the bones, calcium absorbed by bones cell called ‘Osteoblast’ . How this cell can do their job make the bones stronger ?


bones When you eat anything that contains calcium -- broccoli, yogurt, whatever -- the calcium is absorbed from your small intestine into your blood. Osteoblasts pull the calcium out of the blood and deposit it as new bone.


Osteoclasts and osteoblasts, both are working in opposite function. Osteoclast clean up the old bones and ostoblast lie on there to form the bones, so it’s reasons why your bones are constantly rebuilding themselves to stay strong.  They will eventually bridge the broken bone and then start filling it in with new calcium. Meanwhile, osteoclasts will break down all the bone fragments nearby to clean up the area.image

There are another amazing part inside the bone, called  marrow. The marrow is able to generate new red and white blood cells, as well as new osteoblasts and osteoclasts, and send them out into the bloodstream. You have trillions of red blood cells in your body right now and, as they wear out, the bone marrow creates new ones – millions of them every second. A red blood cell lasts about four months.
The bones can be move around because between two bones or more have been connected by  the muscle. This one have characteristic like a strong fiber that joint into the bones with a part called tendons. If the muscles get contraction, their long size decrease  and pull the bones move follow it.

( more about The muscles see its later in next article… )

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On 3/09/2009 07:28:00 PM , Anonymous said...

Hanya mau coba format comentar baru


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